Marlo Casabar
Capturing the beauty of nature is my passion
Clark's Grebe (Aechmophorus clarkii) & Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis)
It has been my goal to capture photos of Grebes with their young riding on their backs. Western and Clark's Grebes aren't found in Texas, so I made a trip to Lake Hodges California.
I found an excellent and knowledgable tour guide that allowed me to get close enough to the Grebes to get photos of them as they carried their newborn chicks on their backs. It was thrilling to watch this behavior. The Grebes will start their mating ritual of rushing this fall and I hope to be able to head back to document their stunning dance.
For easy identification, both types of Grebes have a black cap of feathers on their heads. On closer inspection, the Clark’s Grebe has a black feather cap that ends above the eye line. The Western Grebe’s black feather cap extends below the eye line.
I found an excellent and knowledgable tour guide that allowed me to get close enough to the Grebes to get photos of them as they carried their newborn chicks on their backs. It was thrilling to watch this behavior. The Grebes will start their mating ritual of rushing this fall and I hope to be able to head back to document their stunning dance.
For easy identification, both types of Grebes have a black cap of feathers on their heads. On closer inspection, the Clark’s Grebe has a black feather cap that ends above the eye line. The Western Grebe’s black feather cap extends below the eye line.