Marlo Casabar
Capturing the beauty of nature is my passion
Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis)
Every summer, I look forward to the resident Mississippi Kites returning to North Texas.
A couple of summers ago, I had the pleasure of having 9 Mississippi Kites circling above my house. These magnificent raptors would actually drop to within 10 feet of my head as they dove to catch cicadas.
Unfortunately, there has been a burst of urban development in my area. I hope that the new subdivisions being built haven't torn down the nesting sites. Only time will tell and I will have to wait until this summer to see if the Mississippi Kites return to my area.
A couple of summers ago, I had the pleasure of having 9 Mississippi Kites circling above my house. These magnificent raptors would actually drop to within 10 feet of my head as they dove to catch cicadas.
Unfortunately, there has been a burst of urban development in my area. I hope that the new subdivisions being built haven't torn down the nesting sites. Only time will tell and I will have to wait until this summer to see if the Mississippi Kites return to my area.